Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2015

Honduras, Land of Mountains, Caribbean Beaches and Friendly People

Many people wonder what really Honduras has to offer as a destination. 

Perhaps one of the most important strengths is that it is still a goal to discover, and as such, offers a unique setting that is not overrun with tourists, as well as neighboring countries such as Costa Rica and Panama. Visit :

Honduras is the mountainous country in Central America. 

And 'in fact, the backbone of the region, but incredible as it seems in a region that is full of active volcanoes, Honduras has no active volcanoes! The mountains in Honduras are largely covered with forests. The pine forests are widespread in central Honduras, but are deciduous forests, which are actually tropical jungles spread along the Caribbean coast of Honduras. This tropical jungles are home to many endangered species such as the jaguar and peccary powerful, the largest mammal native to this part of the world! Along the coast you will also find the only West Indian manatee, the marine of the Caribbean coast of Honduras' lives in estuaries. Many of these mountains are actually national parks, and the highest density of national parks in Honduras are found in Atlantida, the new and living nature and adventure destination in Central America and the Caribbean!

Honduras is the Central American country with the longest Caribbean coast, and the only one with a real island department: the Bay Islands of Honduras! But not only Honduras has the longest Caribbean coast of the five Central American countries (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica) has the Caribbean coast most accessible and most developed in the region! Destinations such as Tela and La Ceiba Atlantida, Trujillo, Omoa and Puerto Cortes are over a wide paved road that is very well taken care of easily accessible! With the growing infrastructure of hotels, airports, docks and general services related to tourism, Honduras has a lot to offer, along the Caribbean coast than any other country in Central America.

Well, if the visit magnificent jungle covered mountains and swim in the beautiful beaches of the Caribbean, it has not turned you are planning your next trip to Honduras then sure, you make up your mind when you learn that the Honduran people are easily the friendliest People in Central America! Hondurans their hearts open to travelers, and have to help in order the way and make your vacation an experience you cherish. Honduras also has the highest percentage of native English in the region, that is, you will always find a friendly bilingual Honduran willing to help you when you are in need.

When you reach for the perfect holiday destination, where rugged jungle covered mountains meet the Caribbean Sea, where friendly bilingual people are willing to help you to live experiences, seek that you cherish for a lifetime, where is the star of the show why not be There are a large number of tourists who have the same experience; then Honduras is the perfect holiday destination for you!

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